Friday, May 16, 2008

Smart Money Magazine Says Renters Have Lame Excuses

It's not often that a mainstream media publication taunts renters into buying homes, but that's exactly what Smart Money does in its latest issue.

The Smart Money Web site "lead-in" reads 5 (Lame) Excuses for Not Buying a Home. That's a forceful title!

It's unfortunate that renters could feel antagonized by the author's tone because the article raises very good counter-points to the more popular reasons why renters avoid homeownership.

Owning a home is a serious responsibility and does require commitment. However, a renter should not feel bullied or hurried into buying because for as much as personal economics are at play, personal emotions are at play, too. Both deserve respect.

So, renters: Put your blinders on and give the Smart Money article a read. There's good advice in there once you get past the author's bias.

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